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3D printing industrial alliance is launched today and aims at #mold, #biomedical, and #aerospace industries

3D金属粉打印机应用产业联盟今天举行成立大会,集合上下游产业,协立助攻模具、医材、航太商机,让3D金属粉打印机成宝。为了让产业能跨产业应用交流,带来更大的经济效益,去年委由资策会、工研院共同执行3D金属粉打印机产业发展推动计画,整合台湾3D金属粉打印机技术、材料、智权、自造者等,建立跨部会协调机制以协助各产业开发不同类型的创新应用,并于南、北设置FAST Lab创用中心。希望藉这样的平台串连国内3D列印上、中、下游厂商,达到跨域交流、激荡出台湾特色的3D金属粉打印机应用,进而推升产业链与市场的发展。

东台精机的AM250 为金属粉床式积层制造设备,全采用台湾自主研发制造,而独特的加法加工可实现各种复杂的设计需求,加工范围为250*250*250 mm,让使用者不受传统工法限制,并可快速实现设计构想及加快产品开发时程。

3D printing industrial alliance is launched today. Gathering the upper, middle, and lower stream of the 3D printing industry in Taiwan, a new industrial alliance is launched today for further developments.

The latest #PBF Additive Manufacturing Equipment, #AM_250, is self-designed and developed by #Tongtai. It allows the customer to complicate any complex designs by unique additive manufacturing processes, not limited by conventional machining methods, and expedite product development time.


For implementing the goal of biomedical materials made in Taiwan, a strategy alliance has been developed by NARLabs (National Applied Research Laboratories). This alliance gathers upstream and downstream companies and Tongtai is a member. Yesterday, July 14th, a 3D printing laboratory was launched and it shows this alliance has initiated fast forward movement towards expanding Taiwans biotechnological medical supplies to global market. Tongtais PBF Additive Manufacturing Equipment, AM-250, is ready and believe this equipment will shorten the developing period of metal medical materials.

